
In this section, we will cover how to launch multi-node tasks.

Currently, only multi-node jobs are supported. Support for multi-node services is coming soon. If you need multi-node services, send us an email at support@komodo.io.


To make a job config multi-node, simply add the following to your yaml config:

num_nodes: 2 # replace this with the number of nodes you need

For example, to launch a job with 16 A100s, distributed across 2 nodes, you could do so like this:

    accelerators: A100:8

num_nodes: 2

setup: ...

run: ...

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are provided to help you coordinate your distributed jobs:

  • NUM_NODES: the number of nodes that are part of the task

  • NODE_RANK: the rank of the node executing the task

  • NODE_IPS: a string of IP addresses of the nodes that are part of the task, where each line contains one IP address

  • NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE: the number of GPUs available on each node

Pytorch Example

Here is an example of a job config for a multi-node training job using torchrun:

  accelerators: A100:8

num_nodes: 2

workdir: .

setup: |
  set -e
  pip install torch

run: |
  set -e
  MASTER_ADDR=`echo "$NODE_IPS" | head -n1`
  torchrun \
    --nnodes $NUM_NODES \
    --master-addr $MASTER_ADDR \
    --nproc_per_node=$NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE \
    --node_rank=$NODE_RANK \
    --master_port=12375 \