Launch a Komodo job.


komo job launch [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE


‑‑nameNoJob name. If not provided, a name will be generated.str
‑c, ‑‑cloudNoName of the cloud to use. If not provided, Komodo will select a cloud for you based on GPU prices and availability.str
‑g, ‑‑gpusNoWhich gpus to use, in the format <GPU type>:<Num GPUs> (eg. A100:4)str
‑n, ‑‑num-nodesNoThe number of nodes to launch for this job (for multi-node distributed training)int
‑d, ‑‑detachNoExit after the job is started instead of following the logsflag
‑r, ‑‑runNoCommand to run when the job starts
‑e, ‑‑envNoSpecify an environment variable in the form --env key=value or --env key (value will come from the value of $key in your shell). You can use this flag multiple times to specify multiple environment variables.str


Run the hello world job described in the quickstart

komo job launch hello-world.yaml

Run the same job, but this time specify a different command to run

komo job launch hello-world.yaml --run 'echo goodbye world'

Run a training job distributed over 4 nodes. Your job will have access to the following environment variables:

SKYPILOT_NODE_RANK: rank (an integer ID from 0 to num_nodes-1) of the node executing the task

SKYPILOT_NODE_IPS: a string of IP addresses of the nodes reserved to execute the task, where each line contains one IP address

SKYPILOT_NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE: number of GPUs reserved on each node to execute the task; the same as the count in accelerators: <name>:<count>

komo job launch my-training-job.yaml --num-nodes 4

Run a job and exit as soon as the job has started

komo job launch hello-world.yaml -d